In this age of instant images rather than thoughtful imaginings, I find that I'm inundated with scenes of everything from everywhere Whether real and/or unreal, I can't always discern. Many are eye-catching, personal interest related and/or curiosity evoking, but one constant eventually comes to mind, "What do I do with all these?"

Anyway, times have changed and continue to change, and today that one special shot may come with dozens of clone-like variations taken imperceptible fractions of a millisecond apart. Remarkably, these digital scenes are of amazingly good quality... better than film I think.
Regardless, I get dozens of these images sent to me in addition to the ones I take myself, or better ones that I've download from on-line, however, that one question remains, "What do I do with all these?"
I suppose the answer is the same, and then I do as a grandparent has always done. Stick them in albums and then show them, with some bragging of course, to anyone and everyone who makes the mistake of revealing the remotest hint of curiosity to see what's between the covers.
The variation today is post them on-line anywhere and everywhere and add them to the other billions of images already there first... and maybe someone somewhere may actually take glance at something... but don't try holding your breath while waiting for that to happen.
The Oddblock Station Agent